Project management

Project management Project Management

When you budgeting RM 300k and above to renovate your house. It is considered a medium size housing renovation project. The project will involve more than 8 ~ 15 different kinds of works (extension work, ceiling works, tiling works, plumbing work, carpentry works, air cond works and etc) and need to handle more than 8 ~ 15 different contractors. It is a complicated renovation project.

It's easy to make mistakes without sufficient experience and knowledge!

What is the result?

- High double handling cost
- Arguments between contractors and arguments between the house owner and contractor
- Contractors renovate your house not following your ideas
- Delay in completion date
- Spend big money but not getting the result you see in ID magazine
- Wasting a lot of your time and effort but not getting the result you want

Therefore, high-quality project management services become very important. You must understand the nature and order of each work, then only can connect and co-ordinate them without errors.

Our project manager will draft project work schedule so that the entire renovation team can carry out their own work accordingly. In addition, our project manager will communicate your interior design proposal accurately and clearly with relevant contractors to ensure that renovation errors are minimized. When individual contractors complete their work, our project manager will check and accept the relevant work according to the procedures to ensure that the design specification and quality meet our requirements.

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